Data Science

Major Map: B.S./B.A. Data Science

The Fisk University Data Science program is the first dedicated undergraduate data science program at a Historically Black College or University as well as in the state of Tennessee. The Data Science program is one of the newest and fastest growing programs at Fisk University. The Department offers both a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degree as well as a Data Science minor. The Data Science program strives to bring Innovation to Passion through partner discipline requirements where students can choose a partner discipline including but not limited to Art, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Political Science or Business. This allows students to use the innovation of data science to explore their passion. The program is also designed to allow students to easily add a joint major within the 4-year degree program. These partnerships allow students to complete degrees in areas like Computational Biology and Computational Social Science.

The Bachelor of Arts degree has the fundamental mathematics and computer science content and allows for 18-20 hours of partner discipline courses. The Bachelor of Science degree has more advanced mathematics and computer science content and allows for 10-12 hours of partner discipline courses. An integral component of the program is the experiential learning component. This is accomplished through four initiatives:
  • The Sophomore, Junior, and Senior seminar courses.
  • The Data Science Club
  • The Data Science Innovation Hub
  • Industry Partnerships
The Sophomore, Junior, and Senior seminar courses offer students an opportunity to select projects and follow the data science pipeline with appropriate tools at each level of matriculation through the program. The Data Science Club offers students from any discipline the opportunity to be part of the Data Science family. Members of the Data Science club determine the focus of the club and problems, tools and technologies that the students address and learn. The Data Science Innovation Hub offers students the paid opportunities to contribute to ongoing research projects by Faculty members and students at Fisk University and Beyond. Lastly, our industry partnerships allow industry partners to hold seminars and work sessions with students where they discuss real world problems encountered in industry as well as offering internships. The Fisk University Data Science program offers an innovative approach to Data Science preparing students for a diverse workforce.


Fall Semester
CSCI 110 Computer Science I (Python)
CSCI 110L Computer Science I (Lab)
  Foreign Language
  MATH Course (based on placement)
CORE 100 New Student Orientation
CORE 150 Composition I
Spring Semester
CSCI 120 Computer Science II (Object Orientation)
CSCI 120L Computer Science II (Lab)
  Foreign language
  MATH course (based on placement)
CORE 120 Critical Thinking
CORE 160 Composition II
Fall Semester
CSCI 241 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSCI 201 Sophomore Seminar I
  Foreign Language
  MATH Course (based on placement)
  CORE and Electives
Spring Semester
  Computer Science Elective
  Partner Science Elective
CSCI 202 Sophomore Seminar II
  Math Course
  CORE and Electives


Fall Semester
  Computer Science Elective
CSCI 301 Junior Seminar I
  Partner Discipline Elective
  MATH Course
  CORE and Electives
Spring Semester
  Computer Science Elective
  Partner Science Elective
CSCI 302 Junior Seminar II
  Major Elective
  CORE and Electives


Fall Semester
CSCI 410 Senior Seminar
  Major Electives
  CORE and Electives
Spring Semester
  Major Elective
  CORE and Electives



  • Create a core resume. Ask staff in Office of Career Planning and Development to review your resume.
  • Complete on-line assessment to ascertain career interests. Discuss these with your academic advisor and staff in the Office of Career Planning and Development. Self-assessments also available through One of the five assessment tools matches strengths with occupations.
  • Meet with staff in Career Services to identify potential internships.
  • Participate in activities organized by Google at Fisk campus; in conjunction with Google-in-Residence Program, where a Google Employee stays at Fisk (August - December) in order to train students for internships and tech-careers.
  • Submit applications for internships to major companies (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Deloitte, HCA, etc).
  • Many companies have special tracks for Freshmen and Sophomore (e.g. Google's Engineering Practicum, apply by October)
  • Apply for research internships at Fisk University; we have several research opportunites sponsored by Federal Grants (e.g. National Science Foundation, National Institues of Health, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc)
  • Apply for research internships at other places. There are several places that accept International Students (e.g., Case Western Reserve University, NIMBiOS - National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, UCLA B.I.G. Summer Institute, etc)
  • Attend Industry Expo for internship opportunities.
  • Shadow professionals in field of interest.
  • Conduct informational interviews in employment sector(s) of interest.
  • Select part-time jobs in field of interest.
  • Update your resume. Ask staff in Office of Career Planning and Development to review your resume.
  • Complete on-line assessment to ascertain career interests. Discuss these with your academic advisor and staff in the Office of Career Planning and Development. Self-assessments also available through One of the five assessment tools matches strengths with occupations.
  • Meet with staff in Career Services to identify potential internships.
  • Participate in activities organized by Google at Fisk campus,in conjunction with Google-in-Residence Program, where a Google Employee stays at Fisk (August - December) in order to train students for internships and tech-careers.
  • Submit applications for internships to major companies (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Deloitte, HCA, etc).
  • Many companies have special tracks for Freshmen and Sophomore (e.g. Google's Engineering Practicum, apply by October/November)
  • Apply for research internships at Fisk University; we have several research opportunites sponsored by Federal Grants (e.g. National Science Foundation, National Institues of Health, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc)
  • Apply for research internships at other places. There are several places that accept both US citizens/immigrants and International Students (e.g., Case Western Reserve University, NIMBiOS - National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, UCLA B.I.G. Summer Institute, etc)
  • Attend Industry Expo for internship opportunities.
  • Shadow professionals in field of interest.
  • Conduct informational interviews in employment sector(s) of interest.
  • Update your resume. Ask staff in Office of Career Planning and Development to review your resume.
  • Complete on-line assessment to ascertain career interests. Discuss these with your academic advisor and staff in the Office of Career Planning and Development. Self-assessments also available through One of the five assessment tools matches strengths with occupations.
  • Meet with staff in Career Services to identify potential internships.
  • Participate in activities organized by Google at Fisk campus,in conjunction with Google-in-Residence Program, where a Google Employee stays at Fisk (August - December) in order to train students for internships and tech-careers.
  • Submit applications for internships to major companies (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Deloitte, HCA, etc).
  • Apply for research internships at Fisk University; we have several research opportunites sponsored by Federal Grants (e.g. National Science Foundation, National Institues of Health, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc)
  • Apply for research internships at other places. There are several places that accept both US citizens/immigrants and International Students (e.g., Case Western Reserve University, NIMBiOS - National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, UCLA B.I.G. Summer Institute, etc)
  • Attend Industry Expo for internship opportunities.
  • Shadow professionals in field of interest.
  • Conduct informational interviews in employment sector(s) of interest.
  • Update your resume. Ask staff in Office of Career Planning and Development to review your resume.
  • Complete on-line assessment to ascertain career interests. Discuss these with your academic advisor and staff in the Office of Career Planning and Development. Self-assessments also available through One of the five assessment tools matches strengths with occupations.
  • Meet with staff in Career Services to identify potential internships.
  • Participate in activities organized by Google at Fisk campus,in conjunction with Google-in-Residence Program, where a Google Employee stays at Fisk (August - December) in order to train students for internships and tech-careers.
  • Submit applications for internships to major companies (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Deloitte, HCA, etc).
  • Many companies have special tracks for Freshmen and Sophomore (e.g. Google's Engineering Practicum, apply by October/November)
  • Apply for research internships at Fisk University; we have several research opportunites sponsored by Federal Grants (e.g. National Science Foundation, National Institues of Health, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc)
  • Apply for research internships at other places. There are several places that accept both US citizens/immigrants and International Students (e.g., Case Western Reserve University, NIMBiOS - National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, UCLA B.I.G. Summer Institute, etc)
  • Attend Industry Expo for internship opportunities.
  • Shadow professionals in field of interest.
  • Conduct informational interviews in employment sector(s) of interest.


  • Participate in activities organized by Computer Science Club and Google-in-Residence Program at Fisk.
  • Female students should check NCWIT summit and Grace Hopper Conference (the world's largest gathering of women technologists).
  • Apply for the W.E.B. Du Bois Honors program and participate in their offered activities and programs.
  • Attend conferences of professional associations (e.g. ACM, IEEE, NSBE, Tapia).
  • Participate in Fisk Annual Research Symposium (Abstracts are due in March, Poster or Oral Presentation in April, check Fisk website for more information); share your research experience or best practices with your peers (note: 'early and often' is very effecitve strategey);
  • Participate in Service Day during New Student Orientation, Homecoming, and the MLK Day of Service.
  • Take advantage of service learning opportunities offered in courses (e.g., Core 100) and as scholarship requirements.
  • Join student organizations with community outreach programs (e.g., Talented Tenth Scholars Program for males). Attend student organization events to become acquainted with student organizations. Meet with staff in Office of Leadership and Service for list of student organizations.
  • Frequently check Fisk e-mail for news of volunteer opportunities shared by faculty/advisors and by the Office of Leadership and Service.
  • Volunteer as a tutor with on-campus entities (e.g., AESP, THRUST, or GUSTO).
  • Participate in activities organized by Computer Science Club and Google-in-Residence Program at Fisk.
  • Female students should check NCWIT summit and Grace Hopper Conference (the world's largest gathering of women technologists).
  • Apply for the W.E.B. Du Bois Honors program and participate in their offered activities and programs.
  • Attend conferences of professional associations (e.g. ACM, IEEE, NSBE, Tapia).
  • Participate in Fisk Annual Research Symposium (Abstracts are due in March, Poster or Oral Presentation in April, check Fisk website for more information); share your research experience or best practices with your peers (note: 'early and often' is very effecitve strategey);
  • Participate in Service Day during New Student Orientation, Homecoming, and the MLK Day of Service.
  • Take advantage of service learning opportunities offered in courses (e.g., Core 100) and as scholarship requirements.
  • Join student organizations with community outreach programs (e.g., Talented Tenth Scholars Program for males). Attend student organization events to become acquainted with student organizations. Meet with staff in Office of Leadership and Service for list of student organizations.
  • Frequently check Fisk e-mail for news of volunteer opportunities shared by faculty/advisors and by the Office of Leadership and Service.
  • Volunteer as a tutor with on-campus entities (e.g., AESP, THRUST, or GUSTO).
  • Participate in activities organized by Computer Science Club and Google-in-Residence Program at Fisk.
  • Female students should check NCWIT summit and Grace Hopper Conference (the world's largest gathering of women technologists).
  • Apply for the W.E.B. Du Bois Honors program and participate in their offered activities and programs.
  • Attend conferences of professional associations (e.g. ACM, IEEE, NSBE, Tapia).
    Click here for photos
  • Participate in Fisk Annual Research Symposium (Abstracts are due in March, Poster or Oral Presentation in April, check Fisk website for more information); share your research experience or best practices with your peers (note: 'early and often' is very effecitve strategey);
  • Participate in Service Day during New Student Orientation, Homecoming, and the MLK Day of Service.
  • Take advantage of service learning opportunities offered in courses (e.g., Core 100) and as scholarship requirements.
  • Join student organizations with community outreach programs (e.g., Talented Tenth Scholars Program for males). Attend student organization events to become acquainted with student organizations. Meet with staff in Office of Leadership and Service for list of student organizations.
  • Frequently check Fisk e-mail for news of volunteer opportunities shared by faculty/advisors and by the Office of Leadership and Service.
  • Volunteer as a tutor with on-campus entities (e.g., AESP, THRUST, or GUSTO).
  • Participate in activities organized by Computer Science Club and Google-in-Residence Program at Fisk.
  • Female students should check NCWIT summit and Grace Hopper Conference (the world's largest gathering of women technologists).
  • Apply for the W.E.B. Du Bois Honors program and participate in their offered activities and programs.
  • Attend conferences of professional associations (e.g. ACM, IEEE, NSBE, Tapia).
  • Participate in Fisk Annual Research Symposium (Abstracts are due in March, Poster or Oral Presentation in April, check Fisk website for more information); share your research experience or best practices with your peers (note: 'early and often' is very effecitve strategey);
  • Participate in Service Day during New Student Orientation, Homecoming, and the MLK Day of Service.
  • Take advantage of service learning opportunities offered in courses (e.g., Core 100) and as scholarship requirements.
  • Join student organizations with community outreach programs (e.g., Talented Tenth Scholars Program for males). Attend student organization events to become acquainted with student organizations. Meet with staff in Office of Leadership and Service for list of student organizations.
  • Frequently check Fisk e-mail for news of volunteer opportunities shared by faculty/advisors and by the Office of Leadership and Service.
  • Volunteer as a tutor with on-campus entities (e.g., AESP, THRUST, or GUSTO).


  • Begin foreign language course requirements (placement examination determines beginning course)
  • Begin planning potential study abroad (see staff in Office of Global Initiatives).

    Click here for photos

  • Be intentional in interacting with international students and students from other subcultures.
  • Pay close attention to textbooks and lectures offering cross-cultural comparisons.
  • Begin foreign language course requirements (placement examination determines beginning course)
  • Begin planning potential study abroad (see staff in Office of Global Initiatives).
  • Be intentional in interacting with international students and students from other subcultures.
  • Pay close attention to textbooks and lectures offering cross-cultural comparisons.
  • Finalize arrangements for study abroad (see staff in Office of Global Initiatives). Meet with advisor to ensure courses earned abroad will meet student course requirements for general studies, electives, and major.
  • Be intentional in interacting with international students and students from other subcultures.
  • Pay close attention to textbooks and lectures offering cross-cultural comparisons.
  • Be intentional in interacting with international students and students from other subcultures.
  • Pay close attention to textbooks and lectures offering cross-cultural comparisons.


  • Participate in Career Development Workshops, particularly the LinkedIn session and discipline specific sessions.
  • Join computing related national organizations: ACMIEEENSBE etc.
  • Apply for EXCEL program offering professional development opportunities for sophomores with GPAs of 2.8 or higher.
  • Participate in Career Development Workshops, particularly the LinkedIn session and discipline specific sessions.
  • Join computing related national organizations: ACMIEEENSBE etc.
  • Apply for EXCEL program offering professional development opportunities for sophomores with GPAs of 2.8 or higher.
  • Participate in Career Development Workshops, particularly the LinkedIn session and discipline specific sessions.
  • Join computing related national organizations: ACMIEEENSBE etc.
  • Apply for EXCEL program offering professional development opportunities for sophomores with GPAs of 2.8 or higher.
  • Participate in Career Development Workshops, particularly the LinkedIn session and discipline specific sessions.
  • Join computing related national organizations: ACMIEEENSBE etc.


Data science graduates can join the following companies

• Google
• Microsoft
• Apple
• Amazon
• Oracle
• Deloitte, etc

Selected Job Titles of B.A./B.S. Psychology Degree Recipients

• Data Scientist
• Data Analyst
• Software Engineer
• Software Developer
• Web Developer
• Game Developer
• Database Administrator
• Network Administrator
• System Administrator
• Systems Analyst, etc.

Research and Graduate Studies:

Ph.D in Data Science
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Computer Engieering, etc
Masters in Data Science
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Computer Engineering, etc
Research in National Research Labs
Research in Tech Companies (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, etc)

Other related jobs

Journalism and Mass Communication
Law, Patent Law, Immigration Services
Financial Services and Banks
Tourism and Recreation
Multimedia Production

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